The Different Types of Hearing Aids Explained

Thanks to advances in technology, hearing aids are now more powerful than ever. It's those same advances that have also resulted in multiple types making their way onto the market. If you're exploring your options and you want to learn more about what you can try, it's worth understanding what each type of hearing aid does. Behind the ear hearing aids As one of the most popular types of hearing aid, behind-the-ear devices feature a tube that tucks neatly behind your ear and a hearing piece that slots into it.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Mobility Scooter

If you are living with a medical condition which makes it difficult for you to walk long distances, a mobility scooter can be life-changing. A mobility scooter can help to reduce feelings of isolation by allowing you to visit friends and to live independently. However, once you have taken ownership of a mobility scooter, it is vital that you understand the steps you need to take to keep it in good working order.

Five medical problems that could be found by a hearing test

Regular hearing tests are important for detecting problems with your hearing, and stabilising and compensating for any decline. But you may not realise that hearing tests can also help diagnose other diseases which may be affecting your hearing. Meniere's disease Meniere's disease is a condition in the inner ear, caused by an imbalance in the ear's fluids. It can cause dizziness and a ringing in the ears, and can also lead to bouts of hearing loss.

How a knee scooter can improve your health

If you have suffered a broken foot or leg, you may have decided to rent or buy a knee scooter—a four-wheeled scooter that allows you to rest your knee while your other leg walks normally. You will already know that such devices are convenient and comfortable, but did you know that they can also improve your health? Firstly, using a knee scooter will help you keep your level of general fitness.

Dental Anaesthetic: Pre-Empting Problem Patients

Local anaesthetic is an essential tool when performing an array of dental treatments, namely any which would otherwise cause pain or discomfort for the patient. In the majority of cases, dental anaesthetic works without a hitch and you can successfully go ahead with the treatment. Occasionally, however, certain patients can experience problems where the anaesthetic either doesn't work or causes an unexpected reaction. It's helpful to be able to spot where you might run into a problem, what you can do about it.